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The only fanlisting for Dracula II from "Dracula: Ascension" listed at the TheFanlistingsNetwork in the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Dracula 2? That is just the official name the character, marvellously played by Stephen Billington, is billed under, but he is not the Dracula known from Stoker's novel. Nonetheless in some of his traits he is closer to the Stoker character than any other version on the screen.

Actually this Dracula is loosely based on a character from another bestselling story-book. Having used many names throughout the past two centuries, it was "Judas" he had used first.

This Dracula is manipulative, smart and very calculating. Even though at the beginning ultimately weakened, he slowly takes control over the situation. He also has this wicked and intruiguing sense of humour. This vampire enjoys what he is and makes it very obvious that he does not care about absolution.

You thought he was great, too? Then don't hesitate and join.


This fanlisting was last updated 16th January 2025 and has a total of 50 members from 15 countries with 0 waiting for approval.

About 0.01 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 16th March 2005.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.


23rd January 2023
Re-added the buttons manually, as well as some icons and made sure everything is working again.